
Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy outlines how Cmczona, LLC uses cookies on its website. By using the site, users consent to the use of cookies as described herein.

a. What Are Cookies:
Cookies are small text files stored on a user’s device to enhance website functionality. Cmczona uses cookies for analytics, personalized content, and improving user experience.

b. Types of Cookies:
Cmczona uses both session and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary and expire when the browser is closed, while persistent cookies remain on the user’s device for a specified period.

c. Third-Party Cookies:
Third-party services may use cookies on the Cmczona website for analytics and tracking. Users can manage third-party cookie preferences through browser settings.

d. User Consent:
By using the Cmczona website, users consent to the use of cookies as described in this policy. Users can control cookie preferences through browser settings.